Monday, 12 February 2007

Future, Past, Present

All right, so I didn't actually write an article a day, but I have come back to write some more. I have had a busy two or three days. Friday saw a trip to Dublin with my sister. just a car trip, straight there and back, but a great excuse for a natter. Having been mostly couped up in my house for the last two months I am like a caged bird being offered its freedom, when any outing is offered. Dublin, like all cities is a pain to get through and twenty times harder to get in and out of than it was, say five years ago.

On my return home I immediately returned to my computer and cyberspace. I have become addicted and haven't had the courage to Google for a rehab clinic. Do they hold online addiction clinics online? One of my pleasures over the last month or so, has been to stumble upon stumbleupon. It's a web facility that allows you to stumble upon web pages you could never think to visit. Among the thousands of pages I stumbled across was The Secret. Perhaps you have come across The Secret before. It's a movement, organization, corporation, group of enthusiasts or sales pitch. Make your own mind up. It explains in The Law Of Attraction that we bring to our lives that which we think about. It's a theory that has been around for many years. In recent years I have also come across the phenomena of Cosmic ordering, where you send a message to the universe to expect it to provide. To the mildly sceptical among you, both seem airy fairy, new worldly, and a big load of ****. Fair enough. But what if your scepticism, and there's nothing wrong with a healthy dose of scepticism, held you back from actually trying some of the techniques suggested by the protagonists. Wouldn't you feel left out in the rush to see your dreams fulfilled. I think I'll try a few requests myself and let you know how I get on

The secret

It reminded me of a course I had the "pleasure" to partake in a few years ago. There has been much written about the Landmark Forum on the web. Some good, some bad. I'm afraid my experience was a bad one. The seminar/course is very intensive over the course of a weekend usually, with lots of fascinating, involving, interactive discussion. On analysis afterwards, it's more like clever indoctrination using subtle and less than subtle techniques. Some people really thrive on their philosophies and one or two "implode". That's what happened to me. I was at a vulnerable time in my life and succumbed or fell foul of the internalisation that the course encouraged. It helped put my life on hold for a couple of years, but I'm back now and ready to face the world again. Mind you, if you follow the philosophy espoused by"The Secret" you might say that you bring into your life what is in your own thoughts. So, I had it coming to me from my own negative thoughts. It's possible. I'll never really know. All I know is that there is a way back from the depths of depression that occurred at that time. For those of you who are in that dark place, believe me, there is a way out. It may coming with the healing of time, or from someone offering help at a certain moment, or from divine inspiration. Just a small chink of light is all anyone wants to see. A restoration of joy or the opportunity to feel that special emotion again. I pray it comes to you.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Support Group

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